Because reading a story is better than killing him

Mr. Scrimpy is a children's book series beloved by kids and their parents who could use a good laugh when they're ready to scream.

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About Mr. Scrimpy

We've all been there.

Socks so close to the hamper, but not quite in. The errand should have taken 5 minutes but it's been two hours. You asked for 1 bag of buns and they've come back with Doritos, beff jerkey, and a jar of pickles (no buns). These are the universal quirks we all complain about our partners (or sometimes we're the ones who keep asking where the bread is when it's RIGHT in front of us!). Mr. Scrimpy turns these daily annoyances into something we can all relate and laugh about, and most importantly enjoy with our kids.

More Mr.Scrimpy

If Mrs. Scrimpy has to make one more dinner reservations she is going to LOSE IT! It's the second book in the beloved Mr. Scrimpy series and it's time Mr. Scrimpy to FINALLY make the plans!

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